Hello my name is Angela, I relocated from California with my 8 year old son at the time with no money and just an old car. I managed to get things in order to live a decent life and to be the first in my family to buy a home here in texas. One year ago I took out my savings and went on a limb and out of my comfort zone to help build a good friends company from scratch knowing it would be a pay cut for a few months and that’s all. It was done to better my single mom household of a 14 year old son.  Of course it didnt work and my savings was depleted. Here I am back at my old job thank God for that but struggling pay check to paycheck. I pay my mortgage every month on the last day of the month thru borrowed money. I only make enough to pay the necessities not including my car payment which is behind by 2 payments. This payment for one month of mortgage will save the last dignity that I have in my as a mom and women also save my car and job. My story is just a temporary set back In Jesus name I pray everyday. Thank you God for allowing me to listen to the radio that day!!!