We have a 6 year old daughter and a 15 month old son. Our son arrived 1/13/2017 and went through severe rsv that caused him to be the hospital for a week. Daycare expenses were out of this world so my husband and I decided that me being at home would be best. My husband is barber and knew he could carry us. He has gone over and beyond to make things work, cutting back and working 16 hour days, so that we could be comfortable. In the mist of our son being hospitalized for rsv, our mortgage shot up $800 a month. Our mortgage company didn’t estimate our taxes accordingly when our mortgage was bought from the original mortgage company. In lieu of that, my husband and I went without health insurance for the remainder of the year to cut back. I started a little meal/meal prep business to help out with purchasing things for the kids, gas and miscellaneous purchases. My husband knew it was very important for me to be a stay at home parent for our home. Although our mortgage went up to pay off the negative balance on n our escrow, he just pushed harder at his barbershop. February of this year, our son had to have lip and tongue tie surgery. Prior to this discovery, we were thankful to me being at home due to the amount of dr appointments we had to attend.  After his procedure, he has had to get bodywork, craniosacral therapy and chiropractic care to learn to how use his tongue. I want to give my husband a month off, and pay our mortgage for a month so we can breathe a little. This would mean the world to us.